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Our CSR commitments | Legrand Mauritius

Committed for a more sustainable world

It is our responsibility to provide concrete answers to the major societal challenges of our time, this requires us to raise awareness not only in our own teams but also among our partners and customers, we want to mobilize for a low-carbon society, Legrand is committed today to intensify its action in favour of an increasingly responsible development of its activities.

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An integrated strategy

Legrand's CSR approach is a full-fledged component of the Group's strategy, which sees its performance and objectives only in an integrated way. Thus, Legrand considers that financial, environmental and social performance are inseparable, with excellence in each being to the benefit of the others, in full coherence with its raison d'être, improving lives


A structured approach

The approach is managed by the CSR Department, which reports to General Management and sits on the Group's Management Committee. It is supported by a network of 300 correspondents in the subsidiaries and the CSR Steering Committee, which covers strategic, operational, reputational and financial issues. Within the Board of Directors, the specialised Strategy and CSR Committee also ensures that Legrand's CSR commitments are in line with the Group's strategy. Finally, non-financial performance is a significant component of the remuneration of Legrand's managers and decision-makers.


Legrand and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Legrand's CSR commitments actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN for a better and more sustainable future.

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Recognition of our performance

Legrand’s extra-financial performance is recognised and rewarded by international ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) indexes and ratings.


Our 4 main areas of action to improve lives

Legrand has laid out its CSR commitments in four main areas, which bring together the most tangible challenges for the Group and its stakeholders: - Promote diversity and inclusion - Reduce our carbon footprint - Develop a circular economy - Be a responsible business